May 10, 2021

Corporate Social Responsibility in Nepal | Legal Requirements

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a corporate strategy that looks at how the business can benefit the wider society. Organization engage in CSR activities for a number of reasons which include - improving employee morale, better the organization brand image and benefit of wider society. CSR is usually integrated into a business model for an organization to be able to live in harmony with its operating environment.

May 9, 2021

Types of business structures in Nepal

If you're thinking of starting a business, you’ll need to look at the advantages and disadvantages of each different business structure and work out which structure best suits your needs.

 The most common types of business structures in Nepal are:

      1.     Sole Proprietorship

      2.     Partnership

      3.     Company

      4.     Joint Ventures

Mar 12, 2021

Want to be financially independent at a young age? Here are 5 Tips

Living comfortably in old age is the dream of many people. Unfortunately, many people just dream without trying to make it happen or still don't know how to get there. Don't worry, it only takes five steps to become financially independent at a young age.

Oct 18, 2020

Industrial Property in Nepal | Patent, Design and Trademark

The Patent, Design and Trademark act has authorized the Department of Industry to protect the industrial property like patent, design and trademark. 
Patents shall include new invention; principles and formulae; design shall include physical shape and appearance whereas trademark shall include the word, sign, picture or all three or combination between them to differentiate the product from the others.

Sep 24, 2020

Prohibited Sectors for FDI in Nepal

Nepal almost welcomes foreign investment in all the sectors such as Manufacturing, Tourism, Hydropower, Banks, Insurance, Information Technology, Agri-processing, Mining etc. 

However, following are the prohibited sectors for FDI in Nepal:

Sep 22, 2020

Fixed Deposit Investing: Important Things to Know in Nepal

While Fixed Deposits (FDs) are one of the easiest investments, there are still many things that one should know before opening an FD account. Check out this post to identify 10 of the most important things you should know before investing in FD.

Sep 12, 2020

PAN Number mandatory for loan of 50 lakh or more

Banks and financial institutions are required to ask Permanent Account Number (PAN) before disbursing personal loan in accordance with NRB directives 2076. Earlier, an individual applying for personal loan of 1 crore or more are required to have PAN number.

Nepal Rastra Bank has made mandatory provision to obtain PAN number for those individuals seeking loans of 50 lakhs or more. For the purpose of calculating the amount of 50 lakhs, loan disbursed to same individual under various product category needs to be added.

Aug 8, 2020

Bonus Act and Bonus Rules with Amendments

      Fifth Amendment of Bonus Act, 2030 and Fourth Amendment of Bonus Rules, 2039 was made on 29th Shrawan 2074 and 25th Bhadra 2075 respectively. In order to make easy for the reader of this blog, to understand clearly about the bonus provision in Nepali, i have prepared the notes incorporating recent changes in bonus act and rules made there-under.

Aug 6, 2020

Know all about Refinance Loan Scheme 2077

Nepal Rastra has issued a notice dated Shrawan 6, 2077 regarding the refinance loan scheme with the procedure to be followed. The government has directed the Nepal Rastra Bank to maintain the refinance fund of 100 Arab through budget speech. The scheme will encourage the entrepreneurship and helps to revive various micro, cottage & small and other sectors hardly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jul 24, 2020

20 Small Business Ideas after Lockdown

As you start to think about different ideas for starting a small business, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is, can I find customers for the business which I am going to start. It does not matter how good or how passionate you are at something if you cannot find clients or get customers in the door your business, that business will probably not last long.